The phrase, “win-win” gets used a lot; usually when trying to sell something, like an idea. The concept implies at its center that there are two sides in a matter and that the outcome of whatever the proposed action is results in both sides benefiting; maybe approximately equally. That appeals to our sense of justice and value. So many things in life do not have a win-win outcome. Taxes, for instance. Earthquakes, Tsunamis and other natural disasters. Visits from certain in-laws. Disease.

In all of the history of mankind and his efforts to achieve a society where the possibility of win-win for everyone (historically, there has actually been very little effort along those lines, more emphasis on self-empowerment), only one system has been capable of creating an environment wherein two parties can hope to approach a win-win: Capitalism. All other systems seek to decide for one party or both what it is good for them. All such systems are tyrannical in nature. From the feudal state to the autocratic to the theocratic to the socialist, all require that they impose their ruling sense of justice and value. [From each according to his ability; to each according to his need. The tyranny is in who decides]. Only a capitalist democratic republic, where the source of power is in the people and not in the state, can produce a society with any hope of there being an on-going environment wherein two or more individuals, two or more bodies can arrive at a mutually-agreed deal. Though the imposition of controls (agreed upon by the people) must still exist in such a society to prevent the strong from abridging the weak, capitalism is the only system that has granted men true freedom and equality in private and public dealings.

Simple business transactions are the best example of win-win. When one party seeks an item or a service, finds another that can provide it, they agree on an exchange that is equitable in their estimation and finish the transaction. The fact that this freedom to transact business exists naturally creates competition. People want things that are common to everyone and others have the ability to provide it. Those seeking that thing want the best and the most that they can get while giving up the least to get it; thus competition is created among providers. Quality goes up, price goes down, availability finds equilibrium and the society improves itself. A very desirable side effect is that the standard of living improves everywhere, since such societies invariably deal with other societies and unavoidably elevate them to a degree as well.

The United States of America is such a society. The founding principles of equal Creation in a set of rights granted by Nature’s God [not a government] has given all in that society the inalienable rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness and has produced a win-win setting unseen in prior human history. Individual right to own private property (including the property of ideas and faith) has unleashed the historical exception of greatness. The only element that can suppress that greatness is tyranny. Beware, all, tyranny is in the lawmaking that bans things, that directs us in what we can have, in penalizing excellence, in forcing “fairness”, imposing sameness in place of those rights of equality, and removing your individuality which is your most basic capitalist right. In medical care, commerce, education, seeking happiness, we are gradually losing the win-win. If we let tyranny take those inalienable rights, we will be as all the other failed societies of the world, a win-lose.

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